Employment for Recovering Addicts: Tips for Finding a Job

One of the best jobs for recovering drug addicts who are just getting back on their feet is a part-time position. They are less stressful than a regular nine-to-five and can help someone ease back into a normal routine instead of loafing around. Especially if you are struggling to determine what kind of career you want, a part-time job also gives you time to volunteer Is It Narcissism or Alcoholism? or shadow someone with a full-time career you are interested in. Networking is a great tool … for those who haven’t been isolated by the disease of addiction. Take a look at your 12-step group or other community support group. You may have business owners within your support group who would consider hiring you, or people who would be glad to act as references.

For many, returning to work can offer structure, distraction, and a sense of purpose. Volunteering with local community organizations may offer similar benefits. Depending on a person’s health in early recovery, adults might face both mental and physical challenges in their initial searches for employment.

Jobs for Those Suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder

Take your time and count the wins, no matter how small they may be. The above mentioned scenarios are referred to as triggers—the people, places, situations, https://accountingcoaching.online/transactional-writing-letters-that-heal/ and things that can increase an individual’s risk of relapse. You can ask questions about our program, the admissions process, and more.

jobs for recovering alcoholics

You are already learning a lot of new things, and maintaining your current position prevents added stress. Talk to your sponsor, therapist, program friends, and other trusted advisors. It’s all part of the growth process of learning to live in recovery. The National H.I.R.E. Network’s primary purpose is to provide leadership on public policy to promote the employment of people with criminal records.

Available 24 hours,7 days a week

Asking after your own well-being is a supportive strategy for addiction recovery—as is attending to your personal needs. If you’re living in recovery housing, ask the house manager if they’d be willing to attest to your trustworthiness as a reference. If you’re active in recovery support groups, or a 12-step group, ask your sponsor and other participants if they have suggestions on how to find employment.

jobs for recovering alcoholics

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