Good Reasons to Call Out of Work + Bad Excuses to Avoid

Still, if used only once, it can make a good reason for missing work. Do check your company’s dependants leave policy before using this excuse. Some employers don’t pay for time off work due to family emergencies. You can follow the company policy for reporting sickness without fear if you just need a day for yourself. If you need to take time off because of mental health, don’t feel guilty.

reasons to call out of work besides being sick

Ranging from the car won’t start, to its broken down somewhere en route. Don’t settle for being dissatisfied when you can #ownyourcareer and find a new job. When it comes to calling in sick, there are two types of people. Trying to do two things at once can often result in not doing either well. If you are feeling up to it, it is probably best for you and your company that you stay home and get better rather than go into the office. As soon as everything is okay, you may prepare to get back to work.

How Do I Call In Sick for Mental Health?

If you’re responsible for an elderly, they might experience a health crisis or other emergency situation that requires your presence. Other types of family emergencies can include a family member being involved in a car accident and you needing to visit them at the hospital. The delivery company may not be able to come any other day, and they can’t just leave the delivery outside your house or apartment. Please note that while this excuse is generally accepted, it might not always be suitable, especially if used frequently. Employers might require proof or may become suspicious if the “car trouble” excuse is overused.

While it’s easy to say these excuses, remember the consequences if you are doing this on a regular basis. COVID-19 is also used by those who feel like their workplace environment might be unsafe. However, we strongly advise against using this excuse if you feel things will get better at some point but only during certain times of the day. The beauty of remote work is that you can often schedule doctors’ appointments during the day and still make up work without missing a beat. That said, not all appointments can be finished in under an hour.

You’re taking care of a household problem.

If you’re calling out to interview elsewhere, remember you still rely on your paycheck. Regardless of why, it’s essential to understand when and how to communicate that you’re going to miss work. We’ve gathered some tips for you that can make reaching out to reasons to call out of work your boss more straightforward. If calling in sick when you are not will cause inconvenience to your employer or coworkers, then you shouldn’t do it. You can always let your boss know that you are uncomfortable talking about your personal family issues.

No employer would want to risk putting you or your family in danger by demanding you come in. With excuses as weird and wonderful as these, you’ll need to be able to be incredibly convincing. If your manager asks you if you had the gas boiler serviced recently, you’ll know they suspect that you are not OK. This is a great excuse to use – let’s be honest, well as long as you are actually a parent!

If I Have Flu-Like or COVID-19 Symptoms?

Taking time off from work to complete your religious obligations is accepted by most employers as a reason to call out of work. Practicing religion is a personal and important part of life. I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled for [Date and Time], and I’ll need to take some time off work to attend. I understand it might be inconvenient, but I wanted to ensure you were aware so we could plan accordingly. When this happens on a work day, your whole work routine may get messed up. You won’t be able to commute to work on time and will probably have to spend the rest of the day fixing up your ride.

We hope that you never have the need to call out of work because you are dealing with a personal emergency. It’s easier than ever to call out of work these days, with all the flexible options available, but it’s still important to use caution and always be truthful. You can’t just say that you have nothing to do at work or you were looking for a new job and that you had to research how to start a cover letter or go to an interview. Or if strong winds and heavy storms whipped through your neighborhood, you might lose power or your internet connection and can’t work online.

There’s A Family Emergency

Everyone misses work from time to time and it’s not necessarily a bad sign that you need to take an unexpected day off. However, if you fail to inform your employer early enough and cause difficulties such as scheduling issues, then it could leave your boss upset. If the reason you’re reading this list of believable sick day excuses is because you are struggling with your mental health, it might be time to be honest. Calling out of work due to a personal or emergency matter is acceptable, as many companies allow their employees to use personal days throughout the year. Important family events such as weddings or graduations warrant time off with proper notice. Most employers will understand the need to attend these gatherings, so let your supervisor know as soon as possible that you’ll be away.

  • I’m letting you know that I’ll be relocating soon and will require some time off work to focus on the move.
  • Leaving them unattended can cause anxiety and stress both for the owner and the pet.
  • However, calling in sick to work can be tricky, especially when you have to deal with deadlines or are busy at work.
  • Whether it’s a pipe burst or a bedbug infestation, problems with your home can distract you from working.

Your supervisor needs to know what to expect from your absence so that they can support the business appropriately. There will be times when you can’t make it to work—it happens! Here’s how to call out of work or call in sick, and what to say. With these reasons listed in this article, you can be late for work but still, look professional while helping you avoid the probability of getting a penalty for being late. No matter your reasons, do not abuse the benefits that your company have given you. It’s best to avoid getting into a situation where you need to miss work at the last minute, however oftentimes many things are not within our control.

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